Frequently Asked Questions

What is the Stafford Tuition Centre?

We are a private tutoring service designed specifically to meet the needs of students between the age of 6-16.

Each student is taught by a professionally qualified teacher in the areas of mathematics and English. Pupils benefit from the use of specially designed interactive computer software, worksheets and resource books.


How Do I Know if My Child Requires Tutoring?

We offer a free, no-obligation student assessment. This will determine the level at which your child currently works. We will then advise the most appropriate course of action for your child.

How Long Do the Sessions Run for?

Each lesson lasts for 1 hour and 20 minutes. Most students attend one lesson per week, per curriculum subject. All lessons coincide with school term dates. Our programme has proved to be successful as an extra-curricular activity. We offer tuition on weekdays after school, on Saturdays and during the summer holiday.s.

How Would My Child Benefit from Attending Stafford Tuition Centre?

Our programme is designed to help establish a strong educational foundation for students. It is also designed to ensure that understanding and progress are made at a suitable pace for your child. Each student will have access to their own computer and will work alongside a dedicated teacher. Our Centre operates in small group environments, which help children to feel as though they are part of a team. Encouragement and support is offered at every step. Independent learning skills are also developed.

How Soon Should I Expect to See an Improvement in My Child’s Progress?

Some students may not be very far behind in their studies, only requiring a “top up”. Others may be further behind in their studies. Whatever the working level of your child, we aim to meet his or her educational needs from the very beginning. We encourage each student to perform to the best of their ability and provide support through each learning stage.

Where is the Centre Located?

Check our Finding the Centre page.

How is the Tutoring Session Structured?

Each tutorial is 80 minutes long. Your child will have a programme designed specifically for his or her needs. This will include traditional teaching materials, computer software and tuition from an experienced teacher. There will be several different tasks designed to provide your child with variety and stimulation. If homework is requested by parents/carers, it should take approximately 20 minutes to complete.

Is the Stafford Tuition Centre Programme Related to the National Curriculum?

The tuition provided by our Centre is related to the National Curriculum and to the teaching provided in primary and secondary schools. All of our software and teaching materials are frequently updated, taking into account changes that occur in the National Curriculum. Our key focus is on the needs of each child.

How Do We Know Our Child is Progressing?

Your child’s teacher assesses your child weekly. This will inform the following week’s programme of work. A small amount of feedback is usually given at the end of each session. You are welcome to discuss your child’s progress in greater detail at a mutually convenient time.

How Will My Child Be Rewarded?

Students are awarded merit stickers, progress prizes and certificates. Tutors will praise students and provide plenty of support and encouragement. The greatest reward, however, is the tangible improvement in performance at school – and a rise in confidence and self-esteem.

How Much Does a Session Cost?

Lessons are competitively priced and offer outstanding value for money. You will be advised of the current rate during your initial enquiry. There

is no need to sign a long-term contract or pay for lessons upfront; however, a special rate is available for block bookings paid for in advance.

Can Tutorial Sessions Be Split Between More than One Subject?

We have found that the best results are achieved when only one subject is studied in a single tutorial. Should your child require support in more than one subject, we may recommend taking two tutorials a week – one for each subject. Alternatively, one subject may alternate with the other on a half-termly or termly basis, thereby enabling a consistent period of study for each subject.

How Many Children Are Taught by Each Teacher?

Your child will be taught in a group of up to four children. As all of the children in the group are working through their own individual learning programmes, competition is eliminated – along with the fear of failure. All tutelage is designed to foster a positive, focused learning environment.



Will There Be Homework?

Homework is provided each week, upon parent/carer's request, in order to reinforce the learning accomplished in lessons. This is expected to take at least 20 minutes. All homework is marked as soon as it is returned to the Centre, with immediate feedback presented to the student.

What Happens if My Child Misses a Lesson?

Your child will be given their own allocated slot within the week. As a result, we ask that missed lessons are paid for. However, we will always do our best to find a suitable time for a catch-up session. 

When you know that your child is going to miss a lesson, please let us know as soon as possible so that the slot may be used for another child who requires a catch-up session.

Contact our Tuition Centre today, in Stafford, Staffordshire, to take advantage of the tutoring we skilfully provide.